Took up some digital commissions, this is the first for a person online. Her characters...a little girl and a crazy wolfbeast. The girl's face creeps me out, but the character kind of looked pouty and strange and creepy in the reference images...and her hand came out wonky thanks to the weird overlay I tried of lineart. Ah well, it was definitely an experiment and I'm liking the results and plan to mess more with that 3d-esque feel. Plus, I like how the wolf came out.
hello? hello? I like this! Do you ever look at my blog. I check everyones blogs. No one ever posts anything...
I do like the look of the wolf. The girl is a little funky. What are you trying to do with the 3-d thing. are you trying to get where it pops out for real. because I feel the offset look of this is not appealing. At least to me. What 3-d method are you going for. Is this a real attempt at 3d or just kinda the attempt at the making it look like it could be. Maybe if you want 3-d go look into the red blue 3d effect and work from there or something...
And hey! check out my blog and tell me what you think of the work I have been doing.
Just kinda going for that weird offset comic book print look where the color is shifted slightly from the lines, if that makes any sense, which is probably why it looks off-putting or weird. I agree the girl looks strange, but that was her character design honestly. She looks like a little boy...creepy kinda thing. AND YES I'LL LOOK AT YO BLOG.
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